supermarket comparison

Morrisons - Gluten vs Gluten Free Basket Comparison šŸ›’

A breakdown of the prices of 9 'normal' items and their gluten free equivalents and the staggering price differences between the two ranges.

Morrisons shop

Table of Contents

Head over to our blog page to read our introduction to the gluten free basket comparison or click here to see what itā€™s all about.

In short, weā€™re comparing the price of 9 gluten free products with their gluten containing version across 8 of the UKā€™s major supermarkets to see where the cheapest place to shop for gluten free is.

Of course, we know that cheap isnā€™t always best (especially for gluten free) but this comparison will allow us to clearly highlight the price differences between basic gluten and gluten free items and see how prices vary between the supermarkets.

Weā€™ve created a dedicated comparison page on our website to keep track of the supermarket prices weā€™re reviewing. Click here to see the leaderboard.

Here we go Morrisons, youā€™re up! ā¬‡ļø

Porridge oats

Morrisons Porridge Oats

Porridge Oats 1kg
13p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Porridge Oats

Free From Porridge Oats 1kg
35p per 100g

Morrisons normal porridge oats are Ā£1.29 for a 1kg pack vs the gluten free oats which are priced at Ā£3.50 for also 1kg.

That means that youā€™re paying Ā Ā£2.21Ā  more for the gluten free oats which is a Ā 171%Ā  increase in product price.

Per 100g, the gluten free oats cost Ā 22pĀ  more, which is again, because both oats weigh the same, a Ā 171% increase.

Box of cereal

Morrisons Flakes

Special Flakes 500g
44p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Flakes

Free From Special Flakes 300g
58p per 100g

Now this is the only time youā€™ll see a gluten free product beat a normal product in price in this blog, but itā€™s all down to the weight. So, Morrisons own cereal is Ā£2.19 but the gluten free cereal is actually cheaper at Ā£1.75. However, when you buy the normal cereal, for the price of Ā£2.19, youā€™re getting 500g worth of product. When you buy the gluten free product, although it looks like itā€™s cheaper, youā€™re actually only getting 300g of cereal.

So, yes, the gluten free cereal is Ā 44pĀ  cheaper than the normal cereal and thatā€™s Ā 20%Ā  less in product price.

However, per 100g, the gluten free cereal costs Ā 15pĀ  more which is a Ā 33% increase when you look at what youā€™re getting for your money, per 100g.

Loaf of white/brown/seeded bread

Morrisons Seeded Loaf

The Best Seeded Bread 400g
25p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Seeded Loaf

Free From Seeded Loaf 535g
36p per 100g

A 400g multi seed loaf at Morrisons will cost you 99p whereas a 535g gluten free seeded sliced loaf will set you back Ā£1.90.

Buying the gluten free loaf means youā€™re spending Ā 91pĀ  more which is almost double the price at a Ā 92%Ā  increase.

Per 100g, the gluten free loaf costs Ā 11pĀ  more and thatā€™s a Ā 43%Ā  increase.

Pack of 4 white/brown/seeded bread rolls

Morrisons White Bread Rolls

The Best 4 White Bread Rolls 300g
46p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free White Bread Rolls

Free From 4 White Rolls 300g
58p per 100g

For the rolls, even though the only Morrisons own branded pack of 4 bread rolls I could find were from ā€˜The Bestā€™ range, they were still cheaper than the gluten free item. The normal rolls cost Ā£1.29 whereas the gluten free rolls will cost you Ā£1.75.

Thatā€™s a price increase of Ā 46pĀ  for the gluten free rolls which is Ā 36%Ā  more expensive than the gluten product.

Both packs of rolls were 300g, so per 100g, the gluten free rolls are costing Ā 15pĀ  more with a Ā 36%Ā  increase.


Morrisons Pasta

Penne Pasta 500g
19p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Pasta

Free From Penne Pasta 500g
24p per 100g

A lot of supermarkets have matched their gluten free pasta prices with their standard pasta price. Unfortunately, Morrisons havenā€™t jumped on this bandwagon as a 500g pack of normal pasta is 95p compared to the gluten free 500g pack of pasta at Ā£1.20

That means that the gluten free pasta costs Ā 25pĀ  more and is Ā 26%Ā  more expensive than the normal pasta.

Looking at the price difference per 100g, the gluten free pasta is Ā 5pĀ  more expensive per 100g and thatā€™s a Ā 26%Ā  increase in price.


Morrisons Spaghetti

Spaghetti 500g
19p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Spaghetti

Free From Spaghetti 500g
24p per 100g

The spaghetti products are priced exactly the same as the pasta so 95p for normal spaghetti and Ā£1.20 for gluten free, both weighing 500g.

Again, thatā€™s Ā 25pĀ  more for gluten free spaghetti, a Ā 26%Ā  increase, and per 100g, the gluten free spaghetti is Ā 5pĀ  more and a Ā 26%Ā  increase in price.

Plain flour

Plain Flour 1.5kg
5p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Plain Flour

Doves Farm Free From Plain White Flour 1kg
20p per 100g

Morrisons also donā€™t have their own brand of gluten free flour, and actually, looking at other supermarkets, most only stock this branded gluten free flour from Doves Farm. So for flour, we are comparing an own brand product with a branded product which will happen now and again when there isnā€™t an option to buy own brand.

Anyway, the normal flour is priced at 79p for a 1.5kg pack, but the gluten free flour costs Ā£1.95 for a pack weighing 500g less, at 1kg.

So the gluten free flour is Ā Ā£1.16Ā  more expensive and thatā€™s Ā 147%Ā  more expensive than the standard flour.

But, this is where it getā€™s worse, because when you consider the prices per 100g, the gluten free flour is Ā 14pĀ  more expensive which is a whopping Ā 270%Ā  increase.

Digestive biscuits

Morrisons Digestives

Digestive Biscuits 400g
18p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Digestives

Free From Digestive Biscuits 160g
Ā£1.06 per 100g

And if you though the cost of flour was a shocker, just wait for this. A normal 400g packet of digestive biscuits will cost you 71p but for a 160g pack of gluten free digestive biscuits, youā€™ll be spending Ā£1.69.

That means that youā€™re spending Ā 98pĀ  more having to buy gluten free digestive biscuits which is a Ā 138%Ā  increase on price per product.

You might think thatā€™s not too bad, or itā€™s expected when itā€™s a gluten free biscuit price, however, take into consideration the amount of biscuits youā€™re getting. For the normal digestives, youā€™re getting 400g worth but for the gluten free digestives, youā€™re only getting 160g. Thatā€™s less than half the amount. That means that per 100g, the gluten free biscuits are Ā 88pĀ  more expensive with a truly shocking percentage increase of Ā 495%Ā .

Gravy Granules

Morrisons Gravy Granules

Gravy Granules 200g
58p per 100g

Morrisons Gluten Free Gravy Granules

Free From Gravy Granules 170g
88p per 100g

Last but not least, we have the gravy granules. A 200g tub of gravy granules which contain wheat, will cost you Ā£1.15,Ā whereas the gluten free version costs Ā£1.50 for 170g.

For gluten free gravy, youā€™re having to spend Ā 35pĀ  more for the product which is a Ā 30%Ā  increase on the gluten containing tub.

Per 100g, thatā€™s Ā 31pĀ  more expensive and an increase of Ā 53%Ā , when youā€™re buying gluten free.


Morrisons Gluten Basket

Gluten Basket
Total cost Ā£10.31
Per 100g Ā£2.43

Morrisons Gluten Free Basket

Gluten Free Basket
Total cost Ā£16.44
Per 100g Ā£4.49

So, the baskets are full and the total price for each basket has been calculated. The basket containing all of the normal gluten containing products comes to Ā£10.31. It will cost you Ā Ā£6.13Ā  more however, to buy the gluten free basket, which has totalled up to Ā£16.44. Thatā€™s an increase of Ā 59%Ā .

If we look at the baskets in quantity/weight, the total price per 100g for each item in the gluten basket comes to Ā£2.43. The gluten free basket however, is almost double that at Ā£4.49 which is Ā Ā£2.06Ā  more expensive and an increase of Ā 85%Ā .

This is just the start of our basket comparison series, and Morrisons alone has already clearly demonstrated that shopping gluten free is so much more expensive. And weā€™re only looking at basic, store cupboard products; if we were to do another comparison with items like pitta bread, wraps, vinegar, soy sauce and fresh and frozen products, I can guarantee the price differences would be even more outrageous.

Keep an eye out for our next supermarket! šŸ‘€šŸ›’